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Thursday, 10 October 2013

How to Recover From Google Penguin 2.1: Follow Significant Tips

The latest Spam fighting algorithm “Penguin 2.1” has been made public; Matt Cutts, a Google official has shared this piece of NEWS through Twitter. In addition, he also stated that this Penguin version will affect 1% change in the search.

Here we are sharing some tips which will help to recover your site traffic from Google Penguin 5 which are given below:

1. Remove all bad links from your website.

2.Never lose confidence in SEO Work.

3.Launch your new site.

4.Connect with SEO Community.

5.Use Social Networking To Recover Traffic

In this way we can say that if you use all above tips after losing your traffic from recently google penguin 5, we can hope you will gain your traffic in a few days. All the Best.