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Social Media Exposure

Thursday, 27 December 2012

How you can ensure that your target market is reading your Articles?

You submit articles with the hope that they will come before the eyes of people who would be interested in your business, services or products. Ideally, these target customers will be looking at your article and then reading your resource box and clicking the link leading to your website.

You know your articles are being published online, where anyone can find them. There may be some niche specific websites that publish your articles, but many times your article may be published on a more general website or article directory that is divided into categories.

You can do two things which help search engines such as Google direct your target readers to your articles.

1. Write articles on the general theme of your website.

2. Do research for keywords associated with your niche.

At last time, When you do those two things, your can be sure your target market is reading your articles.

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