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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Top Five SEO Mistakes According To Google’s Matt Cutts

(1) Not having a website or having a website that is not crawl-able is the biggest mistake he sees.

(2) Not including the right words on the page. The example Matt gave is: don’t just write, “Mt. Everest Height” but write, “How high is Mt. Everest?” because that is how people search.

(3) Don’t think about link building, think about compelling content and marketing.

(4) Don’t forget to think about the title and description of your most important pages.

(5) Not using web-master resources and learning about how Google works and what SEO is about.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Google's Targeted Penalty Webmaster Tools Notification

One Webmasters are sharing with other webmasters. The interesting part is that this notification is very specific that although the site has a penalty, the penalty is only being applied to a specific page or section of his site.

Google said the penalty is "very targeted action to reduce trust in the unnatural links," but not in the other links pointing to the site. Google said they took "very targeted action" because they know these "links may be outside of your control" and thus don't want to penalize you for that.

Google did add that they "recommend removing any unnatural links to your site" and when you do, you are recommended to "submit a reconsideration request."