This is the hardest part about SEO and the toughest to understand for most people. Good links to your site will make you rank higher. If you think about how many times you search and see Wikipedia show up, it’s because people constantly reference Wikipedia by linking to pages on the Wikipedia website. To Google, this means the content is relevant and authoritative. So to boost your own rankings you’ll want to get some links.
But where do you even start? That’s a question with a lot of answers, but for beginners the easiest thing to do is to see where your competitors are getting their links. If a site links to them, they should link to you, too, right?
If you want to check out a competitor’s links, one of the best free tools is Bing Webmaster Tools. You’ll need to first get your site verified (you can learn how to do this here) and then you’ll have a chance to get to the goodies in your dashboard. Just click into Diagnostics & Tools > Link Explorer and you’ll be able to get information from Bing’s database on links to any domain or page you’d like (with a limit of 1,000 links