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Thursday, 13 September 2012



The answer to this question is pretty simple.

Imagine a website having beautiful Design and with excellent written content and still not getting any traffic..

The site won’t be of any use for the owner and that’s where SEO comes into play.

More than 70% of browsers click on the first three search engine results. Nearly 90% of all search engine traffic come from the first page of rankings. If you want traffic to your website then you need to focus on improving organic results ( Organic and Paid search will be discussed in details in the next chapter of Search Engines). You can spend tens of thousands of dollars each month buying traffic, but personally, we would rather suggest to get traffic to your site for free. Once you learn SEO strategies for top rankings and get a taste of FREE traffic, there’s no turning back.

There are basically five goals of SEO:-

■Search can help you achieve your business goals

■Brand visibility / findability 

■Paid search is becoming more expensive 

■People prefer the natural results 

■SEO helps you build a better website

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Do I need to know coding to learn SEO?

Do I need to know coding to learn SEO?

Many people asking me this type of questions so I would like to share it with you all
The answer is a BIG NO …

As such there are no pre-requisites to learn SEO. If you know how to use a Computer or know how to access internet then you can easily learn SEO. No programming or coding background like C++ , PHP , SQL is necessary to learn SEO , however it is preferred that the student should know some basics of HTML. But even if one doesn’t then it doesn’t make a big difference as it is a very easy language and from SEO point of view it can be studied in a day or two.

If you have some background of web-development or web-designing then it surely helps to some extent. But it’s not at all like if you don’t belong to that background, it would be difficult for you to learn SEO.

SEO is just about practicing. The more you practice, the better you become.

The only pre-requisite to learn SEO is a deep passion and an intense desire to learn. A working knowledge of HTML is helpful but not required.

In-House SEO v/s Out-Source SEO

In-House SEO :- It is the act of optimizing the website either ourselves or by any internal person of the company

Out-Source SEO / Out-House SEO :- It is the act of hiring an external person for the optimization of a website( either by a company / Digital media agency or individual)

Here is a list of pros and cons of In-house and Out-house SEO.

Advantages of In-House SEOs:

■Internal personnel typically know their own company better than any external consultant is likely to (internal personnel will likely know their own ideal keywords best, for instance).

■Internal personnel typically know their own system infrastructure best.

■In-house SEO is cheaper than out-source SEO.

■They can focus only on company sites without risk of distraction experienced by external SEOs who may have to focus on multiple sites of multiple clients;

■They can build a specialized team, perfect for the needs of their own site;

■They can keep their company from wasting money on using strategies which are unlikely to perform well (in this respect, an external firm sometimes has a conflict of interest with the aims of keeping costs low);

■they can serve as guards, insuring that company sites don’t implement black-hat methods;

■they can serve as guardians of company interests in contracts with new online partners,ensuring that linking arrangements are mutually beneficial or to keep a partner from getting more benefit out of the arrangement than is merited.

Advantages of Out-House or Out-Source SEOs:

■External firms typically have much wider background experience for SEO, so they know many multiple beneficial methods to employ for improving site traffic.

■Externals can build up a team of broader expertise which a small company often can’t afford or justify to build up in-house;

■externals typically has direct experience in many multiple methods, so they can provide a wide range of options for deriving benefit;

■externals can often provide fastest chance of significant improvement, compared with companies which haven’t been performing their own SEO analysis and development work;

■externals can often provide link-building strategies that in-house SEOs might not be able to invent on their own;

■external relationships can be easily discontinued if they’re not working out, whereas with in-house, sometimes personnel are assigned to work in multiple areas and even if their SEO work isn’t showing good results, the employee(s) must still be retained for the vital work they provide in other areas.

■external firms often know a lot more sophisticated traffic exploitation methods, compared to internal resources — this is particularly true in cases where a company has just started having SEO work done by internal employees — newbies tend to only know the basic methods.

Importance of Google from SEO point of View

Everyone wants to get their website a top ranking in Google but have you ever wondered- “Why is Google so important from SEO point of view” or “Why everyone wants a top ranking for their website in Google only when there are thousands of other Search Engines”?

There are many other search engines, but Google is the most prominent, most used, and most important of them all. Google also provides search results to other “partner” search engines and directories. This means a #1 ranking on Google will most likely land you a #1 ranking on these partner sites as well. We say “likely” because the partner sites may to modify their results a little bit so the rankings across the partners may not be exact.

Specifically, a #1 ranking on Google for a specific search term also means a #1 ranking on AOL, Netscape, Earthlink, Compuserve, Lycos, iWon.com, Go.com and AT&T Worldnet. With its partners included, Google alone is responsible for powering over 70% of all search engine traffic to websites

Clearly, Google is where we need to focus our website promotion efforts first. After you have applied the techniques discussed (in the upcoming Sections), have noticed your results, and then improved your efforts over time, you will start seeing dramatic results for your website. The two other major search engines of importance – Yahoo and MSN Search, look for the same things as Google in terms of ranking sites. So if you get it right for Google, you have also gotten it right in general for the other search engines as well.

Basic SEO Terms

Basic SEO Terms

HI all, Today I am going to discuss some basic SEO terms which you will come across them again and again.

Some of them are:- Crawlers , Robots , Spiders , Index , Google bot , Yahoo Slurp , MSN bot.

Do you have any idea about these terms?

You are about to know about them.

A crawler also know as a “robot” or “spider”, is an automatic software program that runs at many search engines, reads sites’ content, analyzes it, and inserts them into the index (or collects information for later insertion into the index) .

In the above definition a term Index is used.

The search engine crawler (or spider) visits pages on the web and ‘reads’ them. It passes that information back where it is stored in an index. When someone searches for a term, that search term is looked up in the index and results are displayed accordingly .

Thus Index can be termed as a list of websites sorted by the Search Engine according to the relevancy of the website for a particular keyword.

Now lets go through the terms Google bot , Yahoo Slurp , MSN bot.

Googlebot is the search bot software used by Google, which collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the Google search engine.

Yahoo Slurp is a web crawler from Yahoo! that obtains content for the Yahoo! Search engine. Slurp is based on search technology Yahoo! Acquired when it purchased Inktomi.

MSN bot is the search bot software used by MSN, which collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the MSN search engine.