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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

What is Google doing?

A few years ago, web thinker Jeff Jarvis published an homage to the world’s most successful Web search and advertising company titled “What Would Google Do?” These days, the question seems to be, “What is Google doing?”

Google won us over with a revolutionary approach to Web search that made its predecessors seem archaic. It quickly toppled Yahoo as the coolest company on the planet based solely on its efficient and fast way of finding everyone else’s content. Now, though, Google is something entirely different.

Search has turned out to be only Google’s opening gambit. It still owns just under 70 percent of search market share, and because of that reach about 40 percent of online advertising. For some companies that would be enough, this one, near-perfect service. But Google had bigger ambitions than merely imposing order on the Internet’s chaos.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Google DMCA Algorithm Worries Some Webmasters

Google launched a new search algorithm aimed at downgrading the ranking of those who have many DMCA requests that were legit.

But any user generated content site should have policies and measures and checks to ensure unique, valuable and not-stolen content is used on the site. If you do not do that, you can be hit by not just the DMCA algorithm but algorithms like Panda.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Avoiding Google Penalties for Link Building

To benefit from a link-building strategy, incoming referrals should be as genuine as possible – namely from social media network accounts, established online magazines or third-party blogs you contribute to, provided the subject matter of the articles is relevant to your online business. For example, you cannot embed a backlink to your site from a football report if your website promotes mobile phones. It will also help if you have Google Author Rank, which indicates you are, or employ, a reliable writer who produces high-quality content.

Google crawlers can detect where, and when backlinks come from. If you have links coming in on a regular basis from a number of different sites, a red flag will be put up and your site will be investigated. The likelihood is you will probably receive a penalty — especially if you are using the same few keywords.